Monday, March 26, 2012

LNP - What it means to Strata Real Estate

Subject: FW: LNP - What it means to Strata Real Estate

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How will the new LNP Government affect Real Estate?

Unless you have been hiding under a rock you will be aware of the resounding victory the Liberal National Party (LNP) had on the weekend and are forming a new government to manage the state. Here is an overview of some of the promised policies that should be implemented:


The promised Real Estate Industry changes are policies designed to reduce 'real estate red tape and regulation'. Here are some of the key elements:


  1. Streamlining home sale contracts and warning statements, by incorporating the existing statement into a standard contract. Up until now they were required to be separate documents which some say created inconvenience, confusion and extra expense.
  2. Scrapping the sustainability declaration. The document was filled in by owners not experts and there was an option to opt out of answers if you were unsure of the answer. As a result the declaration was usually meaningless.
  3. Re-Introducing the principal place of residence stamp duty concession. A saving for all who aspire to achieve the great Australian dream of home ownership.


By reducing the red tape within real estate the LNP hope to encourage developments and investors in the Queensland region. This will hopefully be good for Queensland and good for strata.


The strata industry in Queensland awaits the release of the full cabinet so ministers can be approached to address industry concerns strata and influence policy and legislation.


 If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact our office on 1300 136 036 or email


Kind Regards,

James Freestun

Solutions in Engineeering

ph: 1300 136 036

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